As a practicing artist generating inspiration from other artists work and exhibitions plays a crucial aspect within my secondary research. By analysing and critiquing their ideas and works, i am able to create my own creative ideas to incorporate within my own practice. I find discussing other artists works helps me to analyse and critique my own work as well, ensuring that my work is continually developing and expanding with both its subject and materials.

Artists works are generally easy to access through either books or the internet – so it would be extremely rare to not find any art that doesn’t relate in some manner to your subject matter or materials.

However, when it comes to exhibitions this is a slightly different story. I have been to a good few exhibitions, but have never seen any works that have completely inspired me within my own practice. It seems that all the exhibitions that i would love to see for myself were years ago or are in a different country. However, just because i couldn’t see it with my own eyes, doesn’t mean its not inspiring.

Like i said before the world of the internet is absolutely huge, so there are plenty of videos and photographs to allow me to re-create the exhibition for myself.